Friday, End of Week 4 Shelter in Place

√ Stayed indoors

√ Washed hands a zillion times

√ Used toilet paper sparingly (but enough)

√ Checked in with the boss remotely

√ Did my best to avoid the news

When it comes time, if the time ever comes, what will the world have to say for itself about how we met, handled, endured, tried to beat down, did whatever it is we end up having done in the face of the coronavirus?

Yes, an altered reality.  Undoubtedly surreal. Cannot say enough prayers for those on the front lines without the necessary protective gear, where intubation tubes leak spatters of the deadly virus smack onto the heroes we need to save and cherish.  Some heroes dead already; many others very ill. More will fall.

Ironically, while we humans – the whole planetary family of us – find ourselves united in dire straits – Mother Nature breathes a sigh of rejuvenation.  Air quality flourishes as truck traffic between the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach screeched to bare minimum because industry stands still.  From the West Coast of the United States of America all the way to mainland China, photographs reveal stark contrasts in air quality. between now and January 2020.  The skies have never been bluer, the atmosphere never cleaner in my entire lifetime.

Covid-19 is slowing climate change.  Maybe just a pause?  Maybe we humans can take it from here and keep climate change on the down-low.

When Did Pro Life Become Pro Lies?

Margaret and Helen

Margaret, this Planned Parenthood scandal seems to be all hat and no cattle – something I’ve come to expect more and more from the religious right. If honesty isn’t your best policy then join the Rebublucan party and make some shit up.

Here’s the story in a nutshell. (The key word being nut.) People who are upset about abortions are also upset about people talking about abortions. Wow. Someone call Fox News. We’ve got a story here. If we can’t make abortions illegal, let’s make talking about them illegal.

How about this instead…

I’m a nurse so I get that doctor’s in particular don’t have the best bedside manners when it comes to talking about the science of healthcare. Yes. It’s a science. I didn’t so much appreciate the way they talked about my breasts when I was diagnosed with cancer. They were my breasts after all, but the way…

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